Virtual Appointments: Transforming Online Retail With Our Matching Feature

Virtual appointments for retail

Confer With has revolutionised the way in which brands interact with their customers through live video shopping. By allowing customers to book appointments, the expert is able to personalise the experience, based on the information they already have. This leads to several vital outcomes, such as higher conversion rates, and a higher rate of satisfaction.   With our appointments booking feature, […]

How to Train your Remote Retail Team

Live video shopping requires ongoing training and support for your remote retail team and is the key factor in forging meaningful customer relationships. Your customers interact with this team on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, and for them, they represent your brand.   We have listed a few reasons as to why we think having […]

Virtual Appointments: The Future of Retail?

woman taking a virtual appointment from her phone

Since 2020, our lives have drastically been digitised. Whether we are suffering from Zoom fatigue to questionable impulse purchases – day to day activities are now taking place online and that includes retail virtual appointments. In this article, we’ll talk about the impact of online appointments and whether they’ll redefine the future of retail shopping.   What to expect […]

How to Train your Retail Team on Video Calls

train retail team on video calls

Empowering your team with the knowledge and skills required for mastering video commerce is a journey for everyone involved. These five steps will help equip you with the tools needed to coach and build an effective team to build meaningful customer relationships via video.