A Guide to Improving E-commerce Conversion Rates

ecommerce conversion rates

It’s no secret that eCommerce conversion rates sit low. But we are here to change that. The first step is to identify those underlying factors of why your conversion rates are falling flat, and what we can do to improve those rates for the long-term. Here, we explore some examples of how you can improve […]

How video shopping improves conversion

live video shopping

How does live video shopping improve conversion? The good news is that the best of Retail eCommerce combine to supercharge conversion. This article breaks down the elements of a successful conversion in face to face video commerce.

Video shopping strategy possibilities with Confer With

live stream video hopping strategy

Now that video in eCommerce is possible at scale, what are the strategic possibilities in the pursuit of greater conversion and revenue? This article discusses some early lessons we can take from live stream video shopping – and the implications for eCommerce and Retail Strategy.

Defining conversion in eCommerce

ecommerce and conversion

What is a conversion rate? A Conversion rate is the number of conversions divided by the number of visitors to a website. Generally expressed as a percentage. For example, you might say I have a website conversion rate of 5% – which means of every 100 visitors you have to your website, 5 convert.